How to Become a Member
In Covenant Life and Love with God
By Baptism
Any person professing faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Talk to our pastor if you’d like to know more about being baptized.
By Statement
By Watchcare
If you are a seasonal visitor or a temporary resident, but maintain your permanent membership elsewhere and you desire fellowship with this congregation, you may request “Watchcare” status while in this area.
Any person who has at one time been a member of a New Testament Church and who has been baptized.
Everyone is welcome to visit us any Sunday morning.
We don’t ask our members to sign a church covenant document, but we do expect commitment to the body of Christ through a life of holistic worship: obedience, faithfulness, and love of his word and his church.
If God is leading you to become part of our church, and if any of the above applies to you, please feel free to speak with the pastor and we will welcome you with open arms.
Welcome to Fellsmere Historical Church will be a deeper dive into our beliefs and worship distinctives.