Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes for a righteous fight.


Hosanna in the highest? Blessed is He?

The crowds were pumped at Jesus arriving in Jerusalem on the back of a donkey.

But their enthusiasm wouldn’t last long. Not when he’d condemn the fruitlessness of Israel at every turn.

On Monday morning, Jesus and his disciples headed from Bethany back into Jerusalem. Hungry, Jesus approached a fig tree with only leaves. He found no figs. Judging by the leaves, however, the tree should have begun to bear fruit.

Jesus cursed the tree, that no one would ever eat fruit from it.


From there, Jesus and his disciples entered the Temple.

Things escalated in a hurry. Jesus, furious at the spectacle of money changers and vendors, turned over tables and drove animals away with a whip.

Judging by the festivities, one would expect to find great worship and sacrifice to the Lord.

The Temple was full of people. But there was no fruit from their rituals and traditions and feasts. Just a good-looking distraction that kept visitors away from the presence of the Lord.

Jesus was angry. Not what one might expect — a man come from God who had just been escorted into town with shouts of praise and petition. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Save us! Bring us success!”

But Jesus was not there to celebrate and satisfy the worldly desires of crowds waving palm branches.

He was there because the Kingdom of God was at hand.

And his rule and reign would not come without a fight.

A fight that would produce righteousness. A fight that would see a people grafted in.

A fight that would bear fruit for eternal life: a victory for a people who could never win it themselves.


JR Crooks

JR cut his teeth in financial publishing during the days of the US housing bubble and subsequent credit crunch. He's developed a consistently profitable trading system that exploits, in real time, the same psychology that underpins major market events. 


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