A Cataclysmic Wake-Up Call
Forgive, so that you might also be forgiven — by the one with true authority and power to forgive sins.
Talk about a wake-up call: self-righteous hypocrisy be damned.
More than that, Jesus warned them not to drift off to sleep lest the master find them snoozing on the job.
On Wednesday, religious leaders came to Jesus to challenge the authority of which He taught. But their “gotcha” questions failed again. In fact, one of their own affirmed Jesus, and Jesus met him with encouragement: “You are not far from the Kingdom of Heaven.”
It must have been like salt in an open wound for the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees there to trap him in heresy. It must have stung.
And it was about to get worse.
Jesus set his sights on the self-glorification of the religious leaders. He condemned the corrupt heart of their every work, teaching that religion should exalt God not man.
It was obvious to Jesus. It would become obvious to his followers soon.
Jesus spoke of signs that would open the eyes of many. He told them to prepare for trial and tribulation so that they might endure to the end.
“Be on guard.”
“Keep awake.”
In the end, those who endure will be saved. All others will be thrown down.
But Jesus was not there to destroy.
He was there because the Kingdom of God was at hand.
And his rule and reign would not come without a cataclysm.
A cataclysm that would unleash the redemptive purposes of God. A cataclysm that could and would shake the world out of its slumber.
A cataclysm that would bear fruit for eternal life — a victory for a people who could never win it themselves.